NEW Wireless Audio Home Privacy Radio: Remote TV Sound Transmitter,Receiver Set


Regular price $10.00

Transmits sounds coming out from a standard RCA audio output (such as TV, Receiver, ...)
via FM wireless signal to the portable receiver (included)

And yes, earbud headphone set is also included so you can hear the sound sent to the receiver!

  • The battery-powered wireless audio adapter lets you listen wirelessly in private to your TV program, DVD/ Blue Ray movies, PC games, home stereo...
  • You are free to move around and can adjust the receiver volume up or down instantly.   Range of operation is from 15 to 25 feet, depending on wall structure.
  • Earbud Headphone set is included.
  • Belt clip built-in, allowing you to move around without holding it on your hand.
  • Also works as a stand-alone FM receiver.
  • This bundle package comes with one receiver.  Buy more receivers and everyone in the house can listen to the same program wirelessly.
  • Mono sound operational on both ears.

Simple installation:

  1.     Just plug in the transmitter to your sound source,
  2.     Press the RESET button on the receiver,
  3.     Then press the SCAN button and you are all set.   (to listen to normal FM stations, just press SCAN to go to the next available channel)

Note: the center area of the receiver may appears to be a LCD screen but it is not.